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Health Office

Health Office

Phone: 847-803-5751 
Hours: 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Monday – Friday throughout the regular school year

Eileen Khasho, M.Ed., RN, PEL-CSN

FAX:  847-803-5752

The Health Office at Maine West High School is staffed by one certified school nurse, Ms. Khasho, and one registered nurse, Ms. Garcia. Our office is open Monday through Friday between 7:30 am and 3:30 pm. Direct care for chronic and acute illnesses and injuries is provided and appropriate referrals are made, if necessary. In addition, vision and hearing screening, blood pressure monitoring, health education and counseling are available. Student health records, as well as any paperwork or documentation of a medical or health-related nature are confidentially maintained in the Health Office. Doctor’s notes, PE excuses, elevator passes, and medication passes are handled through the Health Office.

Click here to see a list of low-cost clinics

Meningitis Vaccine Requirement

All seniors (12th grade) students must provide documentation of having received the meningitis vaccine prior to the first day of school, August 15, 2023.

“Any child entering the 12th grade shall show proof of having received two doses of the meningoccal cojugate vaccine prior to entering the 12th grade. The first dose received on or after the 11th birthday; second dose on or after the 16th birthday. Only one dose is required if the first dose was received at 16 years of age or older.”

Please contact your health care provider to make arrangements to be vaccinated. Please provide documentation to the Health Office. Students will be excluded from school if these requirements are not met.  Please contact your physician to obtain the appropriate documentation.

Suspected Communicable Disease

1. Exclude student from school.
2. Notify parent/guardian and refer to physician for diagnosis.
3. Follow the Illinois State Health Department Rules and Regulations for the Control of Communicable Disease.

Readmission Procedure

1. Follow State of Illinois Rules and Regulations for the Control of Communicable Disease and individual school’s procedures.
2. Doctor’s note will readmit student.

Physical Examinations and Immunizations

A student entering or enrolled at Maine West High School is required to have on file, proof of a physical exam and proof of the appropriate immunizations as required by law and the Department of Public Health.

In compliance with the Illinois School Code (Chapter 122, Para 27-8,1) and the rules and regulations of the Illinois Department of Public Health for immunization (Statutory Authority, Chapter 111-1/2, par. 11.11 and 11.12, Illinois Revised Statutes, 1977), the following procedures will be required of all students:

  1. Students entering the 9th grade, as well as new/transfer students, must submit proof of a physical examination with required immunizations. Proof of this physical examination and immunization record must be submitted on the required state form. The physical examination must have been completed within one year prior to the first day of school.
    Athletics requires an annual physical exam for participation in sports.
    Parents will inform the Health Office if there is any physical disability or health problem, the student will not be excused from physical education without a doctor’s notice or the updated health report on file.
  2. Parent/Guardian will be notified in writing prior to the date when the student’s immunization no longer meets state guidelines.
  3. If a student fails to comply by the required dates for updating immunizations, then the local school authority shall exclude the student from school until such time the student presents proof of having received needed immunizations.

When to Keep Your Child Home

School attendance is important for effective learning and academic development. Most children, unless they have a specific medical problem, should only miss a few days of school a year. It is important to notify the school nurse if your child suffers from a medical problem, particularly if it will impede his/her school performance or attendance. 

Absences should be reported to the Attendance Office. 

Communicable diseases and hospitalizations should also be reported to the nurse.

Illness/Injured at School

If a student becomes ill/injured at school, he/she would report to the Health Office with a pass from the teacher to be evaluated by the nurse. Before a student who has taken ill or becomes injured in school is sent home, the Health Office will confer with his/her parent, guardian or emergency contacts as designated by parents to arrange for his/her transportation. Parental consent is needed whether or not the student can provide his/her own transportation.


Some students with special needs or medical conditions may require the administration of medication during the school day. Medications are limited to those required during school hours and necessary for maintaining an optimal state of health for academic success. 

lf medication brought to school, it must be in the original container and labeled with the students name.
With the exception of EpiPens and asthma inhalers, all prescription and OTC medication is kept in the school health office. A medication request form, completed and signed by the physician and parent, must be submitted to the nurse for all medications.
Written permission for prescribed or non-prescribed (OTC) medications at school must be renewed annually.
Questions about specific medication procedures should be directed to the school nurse. The purpose of these procedures is to limit medication use in school, yet assure safe administration of medication for those students who require them.

Flu Information

What are the symptoms of the Flu?

Influenza, commonly known as the “Flu”, is a respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus.  Symptoms of influenza begin suddenly and may include:

  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sore throat
  • Body/muscle aches
  • Chills
  • Dry cough
  • Extreme tiredness                                                

Young children may experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.  Nausea and vomiting alone, are often reported as the “stomach flu”, but may be caused by other factors and are not influenza.

How is Flu Spread?

Influenza is easily spread from person-to-person through the air by coughing or sneezing.  Surfaces and hands contaminated with nose, mouth, or throat secretions can also spread influenza viruses.  An infected person may spread influenza one day before having symptoms and up to seven days after becoming ill.

How is Flu Diagnosed/treated?

Should your child present any of the symptoms, we recommend that you consult your family health care provider. Antiviral medications are available by prescription that may reduce the length of the illness.  Any student presenting these signs and symptoms will be excluded from school. Please note:  Students must be fever free (without the aid of fever reducing medication) for 24 hours before returning to school.

Prevention: The flu vaccine is the single best way to prevent the flu.  However, there are other good health habits that help prevent the flu:

  1. Distance yourself from people who are sick/distance yourself from people when you are sick
  2. Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing;
  3. Wash your hands often
  4. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.

Where to Get the Flu Vaccine

The influenza vaccine is provided through local health departments, the School Based Health Center at Maine East, and private health care providers.

How do I get more information?

For more information about flu and the Flu vaccine, contact your healthcare provider, school nurse or visit the following website: