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Department Chair
Derrick Swistak

Administrative Assistant
Lisa Fitzgibbons

Teacher Assistant
Margo Ehorn

Ana Castellanos
Don Downey
Jennifer Ellberg
Melina Engels
Nate Hassman
Steve Krasinski
Mitch Melton
Stefan Panzilius
Aggie Piechocinski

Chris Quidayan
Kristi Ryken
Phil Sumida
Derrick Swistak
Jeff Tieman
Leslie Vaughn
Leslie Young
Paul Zafiropoulos


Department Information
Science classes emphasize asking students to learn new information, make hypotheses based on what they have learned, and then, methodically gather information to test those hypothesis. Whether or not students pursue a science career, scientific literacy is important for all citizens in the modern world. With the opportunity to learn about many different specific areas of science, students can learn and apply scientific thinking across the different core disciplines of science. Additionally, there are a number of courses that offer college credit as part of successful course completion through both Advanced Placement tests as well as through dual-credit with Oakton Community College.